Tibetan Singing Bowls

I previously had a profound experience with a Sound Bath session featuring a few sound bowls, which led to a significant release of trauma and intense crying. Encouraged by this, I sought out a local therapist certified in sound bath therapy for further exploration.

The session took place in the therapist’s home, where a tranquil space was set up with a massage table covered by a large bio-mat embedded with about 20 pounds of amethyst crystal. I lay on the mat, surrounded by Buddha statues, an array of sound bowls, and a large gong positioned above the table.

To begin, I shared my background with sound bowls and discussed my 20-month healing journey, including various treatments I’ve explored. I also recounted a recent distressing experience with a new urologist involving an emergency kidney stone procedure, stents, and a catheter. This left me feeling angry, violated, and ignored by a doctor I had trusted. Sharing this, I shed tears, acknowledging that while I had peeled away some outer layers of trauma, the softer, more vulnerable layers remained exposed.

The therapist then guided me through a deeply immersive experience. I stood in a large Tibetan metal grounding bowl, which she struck to produce vibrations. I then lay back on the massage table, with a face mask over my eyes. She placed various Tibetan metal sound bowls on different parts of my body, striking them to release vibrations. One bowl was placed on my stomach, where I felt my trauma was stored, and its vibrations resonated deeply within me, prompting further tears. The large gong added another layer of intense vibration, enveloping my entire body.

The session also included Shamanic Drumming and the sound of a wave drum mimicking the ocean. The therapist used tuning forks on various body areas and shook raffles (a type of rattle) over me to help release blocked energy.

A particularly intense moment involved placing the large Tibetan metal grounding bowl on my stomach while I held it with my hands. As she struck the bowl, I alternated between crying and laughing, releasing pent-up anger and frustration. This emotional oscillation continued for the next 1.5 hours, with the sound bowls and gong used repeatedly. I felt sensations of floating and tingling throughout my body, accompanied by occasional energy bursts traveling from my core to my feet, causing cramps. The therapist massaged my feet to alleviate the discomfort, and this cycle of sound therapy and foot massage was repeated several times. By the end of the session, I was drenched in sweat from the intensity.

Afterwards, the therapist assessed my chakras using a large quartz crystal pendant, noting that they appeared to be in alignment. She explained that sound healing is a powerful ancient method that works on a cellular level. It helps recalibrate, restore, and recharge energy, addressing physical pain and discomfort caused by being “out of tune.” The vibrations of the sound bowls clear energy blockages, similar to how removing obstacles from a river allows it to flow freely.

I found the session incredibly beneficial for releasing trauma and opening my chakras. I’ve already scheduled another session for next month, feeling optimistic about the continued healing this therapy offers.

My healing journey continues…

Tuning Forks
Crystal Singing Bowls